We've almost come to the end of our EAP program and your ESL life. I hope you all have some good memories of your time here and have made friends too. As they say, "This is the first day of the rest of your life!" Tell us what your plans are now; what post-secondary programs you will be attending, or the job possibilities in your future. For the last time - you will have until Tuesday, December 6th midnight to post your comments!
This blog is the off-shoot of Cathy's blog for EAP students. If you're in Patti's class, please post your comments here.
Friday, 2 December 2011
Friday, 11 November 2011
You read in FOV Chapter 22 that music has been a powerful medium of communication worldwide, but that it really affects each person differently. Some composers have relied on musical instruments to convey their message, while others mix music and lyrics. In some instances the lyrics have been most important especially when they have spoken of people's patriotism or rallied people in times of crisis.
Music can make you sentimental for your homeland and can inspire and bring you joy. Talk about your relationship to music.Are you a musical person? Is there a piece of music that you especially enjoy? Can you share it with us (by link and/or by words)?
Please post your comments by midnight on Tuesday, November 15.
Music can make you sentimental for your homeland and can inspire and bring you joy. Talk about your relationship to music.Are you a musical person? Is there a piece of music that you especially enjoy? Can you share it with us (by link and/or by words)?
Please post your comments by midnight on Tuesday, November 15.
Friday, 4 November 2011
Awesome Things!
Awesome Things!
If you click on this link The 3 As of Awesome you'll find a 7 minute TEDxToronto video by a guy named Neil Pasricha who has millions of followers on his blog called 1000awesomethings.com. During a difficult time in his life, he started this blog to discover wonderful things that make life worth living.
Listen to his presentation paying attention to the 3 awesome things.
Comment on how one or all three play a role in your life. You should refer to something he says in the video, and as well, take a look at your classmates responses and make one comment to them. Since you have 3 tasks to do you will be graded out of 3.You will have until Tuesday, November 8th to comment
Listen to his presentation paying attention to the 3 awesome things.
Comment on how one or all three play a role in your life. You should refer to something he says in the video, and as well, take a look at your classmates responses and make one comment to them. Since you have 3 tasks to do you will be graded out of 3.You will have until Tuesday, November 8th to comment
Friday, 28 October 2011

Tell us what you think about these three methods of growing food. What is used in your native country? Which one do you prefer? Support your opinion with some examples from your own background. You will have until Tuesday, November 1st to submit your comments.
Thursday, 20 October 2011
Solving Problems
In class we looked at some of the steps we take to approach problem solving or critical analysis: observing, finding facts, inferring, assuming, forming opinions, developing arguments, and finally drawing conclusions. However, the steps listed on the handout may not be the process you actually follow when you are faced with a challenging issue. You may find that you skip or add some steps or rearrange them so they occur in a different order.
To analyze your critical thinking habits, identify a problem you have faced and walk through the steps you took to solve it. Make sure to explain in detail the order of the steps and what actions you took if one of the steps didn't seem to work.
Now analyze your approach. Is this your usual way of dealing with problems? Do you tend to think deeply or decide quickly, without much searching? Do you turn to others for help, or do you tend to work through challenges alone? Is your way of dealing
with problems

similar to the way others in your family or culture deal with them?
Thursday, 13 October 2011
Half Way Reflections
We are almost at the half way point in the semester, and you have already accomplished much. You've written an occupational report, a group essay and paragraph, read two novels, produced six news summaries, and given three oral presentations. As we head into the eighth week, I'd like to know your feelings about your EAP experience so far. Your assignment is to write about your triumphs and frustrations--what you've learned, what you are struggling with, what you thought you couldn't do (but did) and even what you hope you never have to do again! This isn't a checklist--feel free to just share whatever you feel is significant in your English study in EAP. This blog is to help you assess your own strengths and to analyze your progress so far.
Your grade, as usual, will be based on how thoroughly you respond to the question and whether you respond to the comments of at least one classmate in your post. Since we will be having interviews on Thursday, October 20, writing some of these ideas down may be a good preparation for verbalizing your ideas before you talk about them.
The assignment is due by midnight on Tuesday, October 18.
Your grade, as usual, will be based on how thoroughly you respond to the question and whether you respond to the comments of at least one classmate in your post. Since we will be having interviews on Thursday, October 20, writing some of these ideas down may be a good preparation for verbalizing your ideas before you talk about them.
The assignment is due by midnight on Tuesday, October 18.
Thursday, 29 September 2011
Journey by Water
For the past few weeks, you have been looking at the issue of water from political, social, and environmental perspectives in preparation for the paper you are writing. Last week, we started reading the novel, Journey to the River Sea, which is set, for the most part, on the Amazon River and which provides a different outlook on the importance of water. Based on your reading from the first seven chapters, choose one of the following questions to answer for this week's blog assignment. It is due by midnght on Tuesday, October 4.
- When Maia, the main character, learns that she will be going to live in Manaus, Brazil, her perceptions of the Amazon are very different from those of her classmates. Before you started reading the novel, what were your impressions of the Amazon? Are they changing as you continue to read? Find at least 2 new facts about the Amazon today that you didn't already know and share them. Be sure to list your source.
- Unlike most of the reading you have already done about water, Journey to the River Sea is fiction, so its main purpose is to entertain rather than to inform or convince. However, novels can also provide readers with valuable knowledge about people and places. Give at least three examples from the novel of ways that Eva Ibbotson provides valuable geographic and cultural information in the course of the story.
- In what ways do the people of the story--natives, plantation owners, and townspeople, rely on the river and its tributaries in their daily lives. Give examples from each group.
Friday, 23 September 2011
Issues of Water
Recently, we've been looking at the issue of water as it relates to the world's poorest, particularly women, and have recognized the inequity of water distribution. Some governments have experimented with handing over their water resources to private water utilities and some have applied fees on water to the very people who can least afford to pay. Lakes are drying up and water tables are diminishinig and there is little clean water for many people throughout the world. According to Maude Barlow of the Council of Canadians, water may be the "new oil."
Task: Read the following 5 questions and choose one to comment on. To support your points, you must use quotations or paraphrasing from the many readings and videos you have watched. You will be graded on 2 things - your comments and relevant support from a source. You must identify the source that you quote, in parentheses. Use APA style documentation if you know how. You will have until Tuesday, September 27th to comment.
1. Do you think water should be a commodity to be bought and sold, or a shared natural resource?
2. Is water the new oil?
3. Nestle takes 5 million litres of water per day from Ontario lakes, bottles it and sells it back to us. Should private companies be able to take the water resources? Should they pay for the water resource?
4. 1/6 of all people in the world don't have access to clean drinking water. What do you think the answer is to solving this problem? Who is to blame?
5. Does Canada need a national water policy? Explain
Task: Read the following 5 questions and choose one to comment on. To support your points, you must use quotations or paraphrasing from the many readings and videos you have watched. You will be graded on 2 things - your comments and relevant support from a source. You must identify the source that you quote, in parentheses. Use APA style documentation if you know how. You will have until Tuesday, September 27th to comment.
1. Do you think water should be a commodity to be bought and sold, or a shared natural resource?
2. Is water the new oil?
3. Nestle takes 5 million litres of water per day from Ontario lakes, bottles it and sells it back to us. Should private companies be able to take the water resources? Should they pay for the water resource?
4. 1/6 of all people in the world don't have access to clean drinking water. What do you think the answer is to solving this problem? Who is to blame?
5. Does Canada need a national water policy? Explain
Friday, 16 September 2011
Water Photos

Enjoy reading what your classmates have to say. You will have until Tuesday, September 20th at midnight to post your comments.
Friday, 9 September 2011
Week 3 - Save Water, Save Life
Do you know that a typical Canadian uses 335 litres of water every day, and that an average European uses only about 160 litres per day? (Gilchrist, Calgary Herald) We waste an enormous amount of water in this country. We also believe in the 'myth' that we have an abundant supply of fresh water.
Thinking about how to conserve water in our own daily lives is a good way to start making this topic real to us.
To see how you are doing at reducing your water footprint, go to http://www.waterfootprint.org/?page=files/home. From the sidebar on the left, choose "Your Water Footprint" and then "Quick Calculator" or "Extended Calculator." (When I tried both I got very different results, so I'd highly recommend doing the more detailed one or both.)
To see how you are doing at reducing your water footprint, go to http://www.waterfootprint.org/?page=files/home. From the sidebar on the left, choose "Your Water Footprint" and then "Quick Calculator" or "Extended Calculator." (When I tried both I got very different results, so I'd highly recommend doing the more detailed one or both.)
In your blog post, comment on the results of your test and some ways that you might be able to conserve water in your homes in the following areas: kitchen, bathroom, and outside your home.Share your ideas with your classmates.
You will have until Tuesday, September 13 at midnight to post your comments. I realize that by starting with the first blog post a little later than Cathy's class started and then adding a second one during week 2, this puts us a little ahead of the game. Throughout the rest of the semester, I will post a new blog every Friday, and you will post your comments by the following Tuesday at midnight. Because there is a bit of an overlap now, I will allow you to miss one blog entry throughout the course. You can skip any one you want, so you may want to save up for a time when you are feeling a little overwhelmed with assignments to omit that one.
As usual, please let me know if you are having any technical or other difficulties posting to the blog.
As usual, please let me know if you are having any technical or other difficulties posting to the blog.
Monday, 5 September 2011
Week 2: Vocabulary Strategies
Welcome to the new blog! If you are new to blogging, we'll get familiar with it together. If not, you may be able to help your classmates--and me--as we manoeuvre our way around unfamiliar territory!
I enjoyed reading your posts last week on what it means to you to succeed in EAP. This week the topic is vocabulary and how you learn it. Please share with us some of the things you've done to learn new words--both in the classroom or on your own--and tell which of those strategies you feel have been most helpful for you. (Feel free to share those you feel haven't been very successful, too!)
Because of the shortened week and because we are just getting the new blog up and running, your posts are due before midnight on Tuesday, September 13. After that, they will be due before midnight every Tuesday.
If you're having trouble posting, please send me an email and let me know.
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